Interfaith Council for the Safety of Places of Worship in Europe
Due to the increasing wave of terrorist attacks and intolerant acts on European soil there is a growing need for greater guarantees of protection for public spaces, in particular places of worship. In particular, this concerns Muslim and Jewish communities who become targets of Islamophobic and antisemitic hate crimes – all the more after the 7th of October. But also, other religions are subject to rising violence towards their places of worship as religion recedes in European societies and is perceived as something alien.
We believe that this issue requires a coordinated response of all major faith communities in Europe. The Interfaith Council for the Safety of Places of Worship in Europe is being created to act against rising violence by promoting interreligious collaboration and a culture of respect and appreciation. The religious communities represented have different histories in Europe. In the constitution and co-operation of this body, we affirm the right of every religion to be practised here and work on a common continuation of the history of an interreligious Europe.
Please find below the Founding Charter of the Interfaith Council for the Safety of Places of Worship in Europe:
Members of the Interfaith Council

Paul Abou Naoum
Paul Abou Naoum, of Lebanese origin, holds degrees in Political Science and Theology. As the priest for three Brussels parishes, he serves as a bridge between communities, fostering dialogue and understanding across cultural and religious divides. In his role as an advisor to the Conference of Belgian Bishops on relations with the Arab-Muslim world, he has shown remarkable skill in building connections and promoting mutual respect. His commitment to coexistence is further demonstrated by his founding of a multi-faith school in a conflict-ridden area of Lebanon.

Sabina González Vilas
She was born in Zaragoza, Spain, and raised between Barcelona and Valencia. She holds a Master’s degree in Communication Sciences (Journalism) from the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.
Sabina has worked in various media, including TV, radio, and news agencies, as well as in logistics and purchasing for international food-related companies. In 2015, she joined the Chapel for Europe in Brussels as a Communication Manager. Later, driven by a personal interest in interfaith dialogue, she pursued specialized training in this area and took on responsibility for this topic at the Chapel.
This year, Sabina will begin her Ph.D. at the University of Fribourg’s Faculty of Theology, under the supervision of Prof. Mariano Delgado, focusing on the topic: “How Interfaith Dialogue Can Help Reinforce EU Democracies.”

Eva Ruth Palmieri
She is an Interpreter and Translator, has taught Professional Translation in the Bachelor's Degree Course in Language Mediation at SSML S.Pio V. She has deepened her studies on religions and cultures at the department for interreligious studies at the Pontifical Gregorian University where, at the Cardinal Bea. centre, she is currently completing a Licentiate in Judaic Studies She contributed as a journalist to numerous journals on the subject of dialogue, including for almost ten years the Japanese English-language journal on interreligious dialogue ‘Dharma World’ (Rissho Kose-Kai). Former member of the Advisory Board of the international organisation for dialogue KAICIID, former councillor of UCEI - Union of Italian Jewish Communities. She has worked in the press office of the Israeli Embassy to the Holy See, currently serving as National Secretary of Religions for Peace, Italy. She is a member of the European Women of Faith Network EWFN, elected member of the Consulta of Rome’s Jewish Community.
Uriel Perugia
Uriel Perugia (Rome, 1976), engineer, father of two children. Active in Jewish Youth Organizations,
joined the Union of the Italian Jewish Communities (UCEI) in 2019, after a decade spent as
professional in the aerospace industry. As Secretary General, he coordinates UCEI’s activities and
staff, as well as institutional relations (national and international) and security. Since 2021 he is the
Italian delegate to the EU Working Group on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish Life.

Genti Kruja
Genti Kruja is a lecturer of Sociology of Religion, Intercultural and Interfaith Communication and Interreligious Dialogue at Bedër University College. He is a member of the Trustee Board of the University and the Secretary General of the Inter-Religious Council of Albania.
He has participated in and contributed to many international conferences on Education, Freedom of Religion, and Interfaith Dialogue. He is the author of a lot of research papers and book chapters published by leading publishing houses as well as the author of the books “Albanians Facing the Challenges of Interfaith Understanding” and “History of Interfaith Dialogue”.
In 2021 he was elected as a member of the European Union External Action Service (GERIS).
On February 15, 2024, he was elected as a President of European National Interreligious Bodies (ENIB) in Religions for Peace, Europe.

Dr. Carola Roloff
She has been a Visiting Professor for Buddhism at the Academy of World Religions, University of Hamburg, since 2018. She holds a PhD in Philosophy, specializing in Tibetan and Buddhist Studies. From 2013 to 2018, she was part of the European research project *Religion and Dialogue in Modern Societies*. From 2010 to 2017, she led a DFG-funded research project on Buddhist nuns’ ordination. Her current focal points include dialogic theology and practice, intra-Buddhist dialogue, and the recognition processes of Buddhist minorities in Europe.
Reverend Dr. theol. h.c. Thomas Wipf
Zurich Switzerland, is the former President of the European Council of Religious Leaders ECRL and of Religions for Peace Europe RfP E.
He studied Protestant theology at the Universities of Basel, Münster (Westphalia) and Zurich. After his time as a Reformed parish pastor, he was President of the Swiss Reformed Church, the Community of Protestant Churches in Europe CPCE and member of the Presidium of the Conference of European Churches CEC. He was also the founder of the Swiss Council of Religions and served as its first President.
For his services to European Protestantism, he was awarded an honorary doctorate in Protestant theology from the Universities of Münster (Westphalia) and Debrecen (Hungary).

Rev Dario Doshin Girolami
Abbot of Centro Zen L'Arco - Zenmon J in Rome. He is a zen buddhist priest trained at San Francisco Zen Center and a teacher recognized by the Japanese Soto Shu.
He studied under the guidance of Zen masters including Thich Nhat Hanh, Tenshin Roshi - Reb Anderson and Maezumi Roshi.
He also received the Avalokiteshvara initiation from His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
He holds a Laurea degree in Indian and Eastern Religions and Philosophy. Former adjunct Professor of "Zen" at the John Cabot University of Rome, and of "World Religions" ath the American University of Rome, he now teaches at the Faculty of Psychology of Sapienza University.
He leads regular meditation courses at the Rebibbia Prison of Rome and he is the founder and chair of the European Buddhist Union Network of Buddhist Chaplains. He is co-honorary president for Buddhism of Religions for Peace Italy.
He is the Author of the book: Lo Zen Soto e I koan - La Via della Presenza di Spirito.

Aitor de la Morena
Born 9 May 1984 at Madrid (Spain).
Roman Catholic priest of the Archidiocese of Madrid since 11 years ago.
Bachelor in Theology in Universidad Eclesiástica San Dámaso (2012).
Master in Classic and Christian Literature in Universidad Ecclesiástica San Dámaso (2018).
PhD in progress in Sophia Universitary Institute (Florence, Italy). In Trinitarian Onthology.
Currently Delegate of the Archbishop for Ecumenism and Interfaith Dialogue.
Teaching Religions and New Religious Movements in Universidad Eclesiástica San Dámaso.

Ranjit P. Kaur
Born in a Sikh family in India, grew up & studied there. Living in Germany since about last 40 years. Worked as a software engineer in the public sector in Berlin. Since many years, voluntarily cooperating as a spokeswoman for Sikh Gurdwara Berlin with many interfaith groups in the city. I am one of the founding members of the NGO “Berliner Forum of Religions” and chairperson of its registered association. This association is financed by Berlin Senate. I am an active member of its various groups like “Long night of religions”, “Religious dialog for children & young persons”.
Since last two years, am also actively participating in “Metropolitan Regions Project”, a cooperation project of “Religions for Peace Europe e.V. “ and Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion.

Paul Weller
Prof Em. Dr. Paul Weller is a Christian in the Baptist tradition. He lives mainly in Germany, but also the UK. He is a Non-Stipendiary Research Fellow in Religion and Society and Associate Director of the Oxford Centre for Religion and Culture, Regent's Park College, University of Oxford, where he is an Associate Member of the Faculty of Theology and Religion; Visiting Fellow of the Research Institute for Peace, Security and Social Justice, Coventry University; and Emeritus Professor, University of Derby. His publications include Time for a Change:Reconfiguring Religion, State and Society (2005); co-authored Religion and Belief, Discrimination and Equality: Britain in Global Contexts (2013); and Hizmet in Transitions: European Development of a Turkish Muslim Inspired Movement (2022). He conducted research (2016-2019) for the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights of the OSCE on Classroom Challenges for Teaching About and Addressing Anti-Semitism in the OSCE Region. He is a UK Arts and Humanities Research Council Peer Review College member and has been Expert reviewer for the European Commission’s Research Executive Agency, and its Directorate General Justice and Consumer Rights.

Prof. Antonio Angelucci
Member of the Scientific Council of the Research Centre “Religion, Law and Economy in the Mediterranean Area” (REDESM), University of Insubria.
Member of the College of the Doctoral School of Law and Human Sciences, University of Insubria.
Member of the Scientific Council of the FILIS Master, University of Insubria.
Member of the Inter-University Research Centre “International Forum Democracy & Religions” (FIDR).
Former Member of the Working Group for the survey on the definition of anti-Semitism approved by the IHRA at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.

Shivaraja Deva – Giambruno Legnaioli
Born on August 21, 1948, he has been interested in Hinduism since his youth. Yoga practitioner and teacher, he also delves into Ayurveda. In 2001 he joined the Italian Hindu Union - Sanatana Dharma Sangha, where over the years he held meetings, conferences and events especially in the Lazio area. He represents Hinduism in the Interreligious Roundtable of Rome, contributing, among other things, to the creation of the Interreligious End-of-Life Manifesto. He has participated for years in the meetings of the Board of Directors of Religions for Peace Italia as a representative of Hinduism, offering his contribution to the development of a sincere and increasingly productive dialogue.

Jana Baena
(Spanish name Guadalupe de la Concepción, Madrid 1981) is a conservative jewish member of the Bet-El Masorti Community in Madrid.
Since March'24 she belongs to the synagogue's Board of Directors as Secretary, and also participates in the Funding and Security Departments.
She has some notions regarding situational awareness, risk matrices, safety and security due to her experience as a drone pilot license instructor, as well as for having obtained a private pilot license in Spain.
She currently works as a private teacher for students with special needs like attention deficits, hyperactivity, self regulation issues and others.